
        The purpose of this experiment was to find the splat radius and density of radius foods. My hypothesis was that raw eggs would have had the greatest splat radius, this was correct. 
         What I found out was that the best food for splat was raw eggs. The data did surely support my results, as you can clearly see, the more dense an item is the better splat it has. I learned that because the raw eggs has a thin shell it broke easily which caused it to splat more then others.

       The errors in this experiment were the facts: we only tested it once, did not have much accuracy on density and splat of the items, the launcher wasn't very precise, and we only tested 5 foods. If I was to re-test this experiment, i would: use more foods, uses an object that would launch at the same rate every time to the same place, find a different method to measure splat radius so it would be more accurate. 

       This data is connect to real life because it is using the mathematical approach of finding density and buoyancy of these items. We should care about this because if we didn't know about bouncy we couldn't float in water, or know anything about why things float and sink.